laser tattoo removal
OUR machine
No other laser device removes more tattoo colours than the Q-PLUS C EVO, delivering the powerful primary laser wavelengths to completely remove all treatable tattoo pigments as well as pigmented lesions.

*Disclaimer: All treatments are based on suitability, medical questionnaire and consent. We can't guarantee the results of our treatments. Results differ from person to person and the likely effectivity will be discussed with you during your initial consultation. Permanence of results is not guaranteed.

To whom is it recommended?
This treatment is particularly indicated for people who desire to remove completely or partially their own tattoo, it is possible on almost any body areas. The laser professional will have to verify the patient’s eligibility criteria and the exclusion conditions for the treatment.
what is the preparation for the treatment?
It is necessary to avoid sunlamps and sun exposure for at least one month before the session, taking care to use SPF 50+ sunscreens.
About Our Laser Tattoo Removal Process
Tattoos, when injected into the skin, are lodged securely in the layer of skin called the dermis. The tattoo particles consisting of ink balls are large in size, preventing them from going deeper.
The ink particles are targeted by light energy of few PicoSecond laser or Q-Switched laser which pass via the skin without affecting it around the ink particles. The laser energy is absorbed by the ink particles which shatter and are removed in the circulating blood. The body now starts the removal of ink particles via the lymphatic system. This is a harmless process that takes about 6 weeks at the least to be completed.
With every treatment session, the ink pigments are targeted and broken down into minute pieces that ultimately disappear. All through this process the skin cells surrounding the tattoo pigment stay unaffected.
The first indication that the process is effective is when the tattoo has a white layer on its surface. This white layer is the reaction of laser with tattoo pigments which subsides in a few hours.
The skin surrounding the tattoo may appear red and swollen immediately after the procedure. This is similar to mild sunburn when redness and swelling lasts for a week.
How many treatments are necessary?
The number of treatments may vary according to several criteria like the skin type, the colour (including the amount of ink), the position, the age and the dimensions of the tattoo and the possible presence of scars. An average of 5 to 10 sessions at 45 days interval between each treatment are necessary for the complete pigment’s removal and excellent aesthetic results as well as safety.
How long does a session last?
The duration of the treatment depends on the dimensions and the colours of the tattoo. For small to middle dimensions’ tattoos, the session only lasts a few minutes. Multi-coloured and large dimensions’ tattoos may require a minimum of 10 to 30 minutes or more.
is the treatment painful?
The patient may perceive a sensation very similar to the stroke of a rubber band on the skin. This tolerable discomfort could be diminished by the use of a cooling system on the skin as well as by the application of a topical or local anesthetic.
What to do after the treatment?
Antibiotic cream is applied to the region and covered with loose dressing. Patients are then instructed to manage the area with care and encourage faster healing with the following steps:
To prevent infection, the area should be covered using clean dressing for a minimum of three days after which the area should be left uncovered to help in proper scab formation and healing.
Antibacterial or antiseptic ointment should be applied a minimum of three times in a day on the area.
If discomfort continues in the area, cool cloth or cold packs can be used on it. At the same time avoid using too long contact with ice as it may result in ice burn.
The time lapse between treatments should be a minimum of 6 weeks.
What results to expected?
It will be possible to notice changes in the skin during the following weeks: the ink will start to fade and some skin areas will start to lighten slightly. The variation will be progressive and the colours will fade treatment by treatment. The final result will be visible after some months from the last session.
Tattoo Removal is contraindicated in the following conditions:
History of allergic reaction to tattoo ink
If you are taking Isotretinon or retinoids, you should stop intake of the medications for a minimum of 6 months before treatment
If you are under anticoagulant treatment
Excessive tanning/bronzing
Health condition is poor
If you have autoimmune or coagulation disease
If you want to treat a region which is affected by burning or abrasion or other such conditions

Q-switched Effect
The Q-Plus q-switched sources can generate a photoacoustic effect targeted at inks and pigmentations leaving the surrounding skin intact. These laser systems are able to fragment the target in small particles making them easily processed by the human body with the phagocytosis process.